FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. This component allows you to provide your visitors and customers with answers to your most frequently asked questions about payment methods, shipping times, return and refund policies and procedures, etc. If you have a large number of Questions/Answers, you can use categories to organize them. [>>] To edit this component, go to your administration space and click on the "Components\FAQ" menu.
Indicate your stock policy here. Do you display products that are out of stock? What is the availability delay for out of stock items?
Click on "Contact Us" to ask your question. We'll contact you with an answer as soon as possible.
Specify if you provide gift wrapping. You can send a gift to a friend by filling in their address for the shipping address and your address for the billing address.
You can pay for your purchases in several different ways. Indicate the payment methods you accept. For example: • Credit card payment with your bank • Credit card payment with PayPal • PayPal account • Check • Etc.
Specify shipping times according to shipping options, item types and destinations.